Dr Ruta Lodha(MD Ayurveda)

Dr Ruta Mohit Lodha done BAMS from Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Ayurved in Pune Got distinction throught out her graduation.
Dr Ruta Mohit Lodha selected for MD Kaychikitsa through Govt round in D Y Patil College of Ayurved Pimpri Pune
Dr Ruta Mohit Lodh is belong to Panchabhautic Chikitsa of datar shastri tradition and treated thousands of patients through Panchabhautic Chikitsa.
Dr Ruta Mohit Lodha is chief consultant with specialisation in Panchakarma treatment for female at Dr Lodha’s Ayurved Panchakarma Centre
I have been in observation under many Senior Vaidya’s of Pune. They have taught me classical Ayurved from Granthas of Ayurveda
Since 2004 I am handling many patients with variety of disease and gather lot of experience with Ayurved Medicine and Panchakarma treatment.
We also have our medicine department where we have all Ayurved Medicine at our own with purity
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